When do girls stop growing?

As parents, it is an ongoing responsibility to monitor the growth and development of our children. In the early months and years, when babies undergo rapid growth, it’s natural to closely track every ounce and inch. However, as children enter their tween and early teenage years, their growth rate slows down considerably. This often prompts parents to wonder when their daughters will reach their full height.

If you have a daughter who is nearing puberty, you may find yourself wondering: “When do girls stop growing?” Keep reading to learn more about this topic.

At what age does a girl’s height stop growing?

Typically, girls stop growing in height at the end of puberty or a few years after their first menstrual period. The onset of puberty for most girls occurs between the ages of 8 and 13, with the first menstrual period typically happening between 10 and 14 years old. During puberty, girls experience a significant growth spurt.

However, once menstruation begins, it can hinder further height growth. After the growth spurt during puberty, girls generally continue to grow at a slower rate, usually around 1-2 inches per year. By the age of 14 or 15, most girls have reached their adult height.

While their bodies continue to undergo other changes, such as breast development and weight changes, height growth tends to conclude at the end of puberty or a few years after the first period.

What is the average height of a woman?

The average height for women in the United States, aged 20 and up, is 5 feet 4 inches tall.

As mentioned above, 8 years old is the earliest age for the beginning of puberty, and half of American girls will be shorter than the median height. What about your daughter? Check the table below to learn more.

Age (years old)Average height (inches and centimeters)
850.2 – 127.5
952.4 – 133
1054.3 – 138
1156.7 – 144
1259.4 – 151
1361.8 – 157
1463.2 – 160.5
1563.8 – 162
1664 – 162.5
1764 – 163
1864 – 163


During which period does a girl’s height increase the most?

Girls generally experience their most significant height growth spurt one to two years before the onset of menstruation. This occurs because the body starts releasing hormones associated with puberty, triggering a growth spurt along with other changes. For many girls, puberty typically occurs between the ages of 9 and 13.

Girls who begin puberty later have more time for growth before reaching the phase where the growth process slows down and eventually stops.

So, if a girl has her first menstruation at the age of 12, it means that around the age of 10 or 11, she will experience a boost in her growth. During this time, she can gain up to 3 to 4 inches in height per year. After the first menstruation, the growth rate starts to slow down, and she continues to grow a few more inches until reaching her adult height.


Does a girl’s height increase after her first menstrual period?

After a girl starts her period, her growth rate begins to slow down, but it does not come to a complete halt. Over the next two years following the onset of menstruation, there can still be some additional growth, typically around 1 to 2 inches per year. It is important for girls to maintain a healthy lifestyle during this period to provide their bodies with the best opportunity for growth.

If you are curious about what constitutes a healthy lifestyle, continue scrolling to find out now!

9 ways to increase height for girls quickly during puberty:

Maintain a nutritious diet:

Consuming a balanced and nutritious diet during childhood and adolescence is crucial for effective height growth. A diet rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals, fats, and carbohydrates supports overall body growth. Protein-rich foods such as eggs, lentils, tofu, lean meat, soy products, nuts, milk, and dairy products are especially important for proper growth.

Engage in regular exercise and physical activity:

Regular exercise, especially activities that involve stretching and strengthening the spine, can help promote height growth. Incorporate activities such as swimming, cycling, basketball, or yoga into your routine.

Practice good posture:

Maintaining good posture helps align the spine properly, allowing for maximum height potential. Avoid slouching and make a conscious effort to sit and stand tall.

Get sufficient sleep every night:

During deep sleep, your body releases essential growth hormones. However, consistently getting inadequate sleep can hinder healthy growth and lead to various health issues. Therefore, ensuring you get enough sleep each night is crucial for optimal growth.

Additionally, paying attention to your sleeping posture can help lengthen the spine. Sleeping on your back on a firm surface with a flat pillow under your knees can align your spine in a straight and natural position, promoting spine elongation and facilitating the smooth movement of growth hormones throughout the body.

Avoid soft drinks, alcohol, beer, and cigarettes:

Say no to these stimulants when aiming to increase height during puberty. Cigarettes contain nicotine and cadmium, which can weaken bones and potentially lead to osteoporosis. Excessive alcohol and beer consumption hinder the formation of new bone cells. Soft drinks, with their phosphoric acid content, can reduce the body’s calcium levels, resulting in bone loss.

Maintain an ideal body weight:

Being overweight puts excessive stress on the intervertebral discs of the spine, which can impede optimal height growth. It also increases the risk of obesity and other serious health issues. Therefore, it is important to maintain an ideal weight through a balanced diet and regular exercise.

Get adequate sleep:

Sufficient sleep is essential for growth and development. Aim for 8-10 hours of quality sleep each night to support proper height growth during puberty.

Incorporate exercises into your daily routine:

During puberty, girls experience a growth spurt, and regular stretching and exercise can contribute to gaining more height. Here are some exercises that can naturally and effectively increase height:

  • Stand against a wall and stretch both arms above your head as far as possible.
  • Practice yoga poses such as the cobra stretch, mountain pose, and triangle pose.
  • Engage in skipping to stretch your body.
  • Take up activities like swimming, basketball, or cycling to promote height gain.


Improve your posture:

Consistently slouching and slumping can alter the natural shape of your back and negatively impact your height. Therefore, practicing good posture can create the illusion of being taller.

  • Maintain a straight back when walking.
  • Stand with your feet slightly apart and keep your hands close to your body, avoiding putting them in your pockets.
  • Sit upright with your feet flat on the floor, avoiding crossing your legs, and consider using a small pillow for back support.

Stay hydrated:

Drinking an adequate amount of water helps maintain overall health and supports optimal growth. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.

Avoid prolonged sitting or standing in one position:

Prolonged periods of sitting or standing in the same position can compress the spine and hinder height growth. Take breaks, stretch, and change positions regularly to promote better spinal health.

Consult a healthcare professional:

If you have concerns about your height growth or need personalized guidance, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional who can provide appropriate advice and guidance tailored to your specific needs.

Stay hydrated:

Water is essential in our daily routine as it enhances the body’s metabolism, promoting height increase. Water supports proper digestion, helping eliminate toxins from the body and aiding in the digestion of essential nutrients necessary for growth.

Boost your immune health:

A compromised immune system can impede the growth of back muscles, affecting height. To ensure optimal height, it is important to maintain a healthy and functioning immune system. One effective way to enhance immunity is by consuming vitamin C-rich foods such as oranges, lemons, and grapefruits.

Consider growth supplements:

In addition to a nutritious diet, considering growth supplements can be an ideal way to boost height during puberty. While it is recommended to obtain nutrients from natural sources, some individuals may have deficiencies due to a busy lifestyle. These dietary supplements contain vital vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. However, it is important to research carefully and choose the most suitable supplement for your daughter. Alternatively, you can seek guidance on our top recommended growth supplements to make an informed decision.

All of the above suggestions promote good habits, and it is encouraged to motivate your daughter to follow them for healthy growth from childhood through puberty.

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